
I'm thinking...

I'm thinking whether I should buy a mobile computer or not. If I buy it, it gonna work well. I can use my computer anywhere I want!! 10 inch is portable. However, I already have a laptop, which is 15 inch :(

I always think I want to buy a laptop here because I want have a laotop which has same interface or I/O thing as college's computers. Since I am a IT major student, I get assignments which gonna do on individual computer. Because Japanese and American computers are different some how, I always afraid that everything is ok or not. Even MS Word has differences.

If I can get one, I gonna choose Linux as my OS. I should choose Windows something ,maybe XP, as OS. I know that. BUT I am interested in Linux OS now.

If I ask that for my parents, they gonna say "if you need it for your study, go for it."

It makes comfortable for me, but I dont know I really really need it for my work or not.

Then, I'm thinking.